POST api/MakeCall/

TypeAPI MethodDescription
POST a new Call Center call
POST a Call Center call

POST api/MakeCall

Begin a new Call Center call with an Operator.

The Operator must have his softphone configured with his credentials. For more information visit: Configurazione Softphone


ParametersDescriptionObject/Right formatRequired
userIt represents required object for the authorization  

"User": {

"username": "your username",
"password": "your password"
OperatorUsernameUsername of the Call Center OperatorStringyes
NumberToCallPhone Number wich will be calledString (with international prefix)yes
Guid (on response)Univoque identifier of your callString

Example Application/json or Text/json

Application/Json or Text/Json
"User": {
"username": "useradmin",
"password": "passadmin"
"OperatorUsername": "operatorUsername",
"NumberToCall": "00390299393848"

Example Response

Application/Json or Text/Json

POST api/Hangup

Hangup a Call Center call



ParametersDescriptionObject/Right formatRequired
userIt represents required object for the authorization  

"User": {

"username": "your username",
"password": "your password"
ExtensionExtension of the Call Center CallStringyes

Example Application/json or Text/json

Application/Json or Text/Json
  "User": {
    "username": "useradmin",
    "password": "passadmin"
  "Extension": "0000000111"